Monday, February 4, 2008

February 5th, 2008

>Pimp L's Pick:


Player J's Pick:

Shay Laren

Pimp J's Pick:

Bianca Beauchamp

Player R's Pick:

Brea Lynn

Winner: Pimp J's Pick

Judge K stated "Put these girls in a lineup and I probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart. But I've settled on Pimp J's pick based solely on hair color. The redhead (natural or not) is a rarity, so I'll take em as I get em."

Judge C Stated "Pimp J without question for her chameleon-like versatility and display of talents. Bianca is the Beau"Champ" today. Player J gets a very honorable mention."

Judge M felt Pimp J's Pick was the best, he especially liked the side profile pick and the oily picture.....which appealed to his sensibilities....among other things.

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